Glorious 6th - 437m par 5, stroke index 1
La Cala North - 6th green
La Cala North - 11th - 209m par 3
La Cala North - 11th - 209m par 3
La Cala - lunch on the terrace
Santa Maria 9th 302m par 4 SI 7
Santa Maria 10th 141m Par 3
In convoy - on the way home
Long wait for the bags and not much time to collect the car and get to the course.
Getting ready in the car park
Jim on the tee. His second shot was on target for a passing car but luckily hit a tree. We couldn't find the ball but then another passing motorist spotted it in the road.
Just off the fairway. Jim takes this photo from a precarious spot!
Lots to drink followed by a dodgy chinese
A much earlier tee time (08.36) but it brightened up nicely
Teed off across a road and over a cliff.
Only 2 points between us on this hole.
This tee shot went on to the 10th fairway. Jim hit a great shot into the middle of the green.
Unfortunately it wasn't this nice when we played it the next day.
A straightforward hole but Dave was the only one to get a net par
4 pars and 2 bogies - 2nd best points haul on a single hole for the week.
Jim had a birdie.
One of 8 net eagles on the week